

接受纸质支票,包括529计划付款. 请在支票面上附上学生的BU ID,并邮寄至:



电子付款可以通过以下方式提交 E-Pay.

  • 电子支付 可以从支票和储蓄账户中提交 没有费用.  查看 指令 透过“易付”付款.
  • 529计划付款; 从支持的计划列表中.  电子支付的主要优点是方便.  受益人或帐户拥有人可透过“易付”即时付款.  要支付支付处理服务,需要支付10美元的固定费用.
  • 信用卡支付 必须透过电子支付付款吗. 通过邮件、电话或亲自使用信用卡付款 不能 被处理.
    • 接受Visa、万事达卡、Discover和美国运通卡 在线.
    • 注意:  最低不可退还的费用为$3.00适用于超过20美元的付款.00美元,106美元以下.00.
    • A 2.85%不可退还的费用适用于国内信用卡付款和4.25%不可退还的费用适用于国际信用卡付款. 请注意:有效 2024年7月1日 以下更改为最终用户支付的费用. 国内信用卡支付的手续费 为2美元.95% 


Students who enroll through the early registration process for the 秋天 semester receive an E-Bill (electronic billing statement) mid-July for tuition & 费用. Room and board charges will be included for those who have submitted housing contracts to Residence Life 之前 to the July E-Bill. 付款 for the July E-Bill is due in full by the 1st of August unless the student is enrolled in the 每月付款计划. 春季学期, early enrolled students receive an E-Bill mid-December which is due in full by the 2nd of January unless the student is enrolled in the spring semester 每月付款计划. Failure to pay the student account balance in full by the due date may result in the cancellation of classes.

Students who enroll during regular and/or late registration will be required to pay all charges in full by the due date indicated on their E-Bill. Students who are 不 enrolled in the 每月付款计划 and have 不 paid the account balance due in full by the first day of each semester 会否收取每月1元的财务费用.5%(年增长率18%).

大学为符合条件的学生提供每月付款计划. To participate in the plan, students are required to enroll in the plan by logging on to their my.博彩平台排名.edu 只能在指定的注册日期内使用.  (有关具体入学日期的信息可在 每月付款计划 section.每月付款计划允许学生分摊学期学费, 费用, 食宿, 和杂项费用纳入可管理的每月付款. 每月付款计划费用为25美元.4个月的计划每学期00美元.  Please keep in mind that scheduled payment plan 支付 must be received in full by the due date indicated on the E-Bill to avoid late payment penalties and to maintain eligibility to participate in the plan.

财政援助资金(e).g.、校外奖学金、贷款等.)不被视为付款计划付款.  任何“待付款项”(如.g. outside scholarships) that have NOT been received and processed by the Office of 金融援助 are 不 included in the payment plan calculation and are NOT considered a payment.   Pre-支付 and financial aid funds are deducted from the total balance due when received and posted to the student account, 减少未来付款计划的金额.   

Students with past due balances and/or poor payment histories with the University may have classes cancelled and will be denied participation in the 每月付款计划.  All past due balances must be paid before a student will be permitted to enroll in a new semester.


Electronic billing statements (E-Bills) are published the second Wednesday of every month. 的 balance is  due in full within the first five days of the month following the date the bill was published.  到期日期在电子账单上注明.

第一个电子账单 夏季学期 在五月的第二个星期三出版,并在六月的前五天内交齐. (5月份的电子账单上显示了到期日.)



有关学费退款的信息 秋天 & 春天的条款,请参阅  院校学费退还时间表 .

如欲查询有关 夏天 院校退款政策,请直接与学生账户办公室联系 studentaccounts@博彩平台排名.edu.

注:未上课和/或未支付学费的学生, 不被视为退课. 退学必须通过学院的学术顾问或院长办理 学生被录取的学校.


的 University provides a tuition prepayment plan which guarantees a fixed tuition rate for all prepaid semesters. 的 prepaid tuition rates are based on the first term in which the student participates in the prepaid program. This program applies only to students enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree or pharmacy program. 提前支付计划可以 申请研究生课程. 的 预付学费汇总 提供一般信息. 如需更多信息,请发送电子邮件 studentaccounts@博彩平台排名.edu.


A student who is past due in any debt to the University will have a financial hold placed on his/her student account. 的 student is 不 permitted to register in any school or college of the University and is 不 entitled to an official or unofficial transcript or grade report from the Office of 登记 and 记录 and will 不 receive a 文凭 or be permitted to apply for readmission to 亚洲博彩平台排名 until the indebtedness has been paid in full.

Any check (electronic or paper) presented to the University that fails to clear the bank is subject to a non-refundable $25 returned check fee. 学费和退回的支票金额将被记入学生的账户.  如果支票用于支付债务,也将被视为拒付. A “Returned Check” indicator will be added to the account which prevents enrollment changes, 公布成绩单, 成绩, 文凭和支票兑现.  当满足不足时,指示灯将被移除. 学生也有责任承担合理的收款费用, attorney 费用 and court costs without relief of evaluation and appraisement law to collect outstanding balances.

When a student is in possession of university property or owes a particular department for charges 不 applied to the student account, 院系可以要求暂停学生的账户. 的 请求等待部门 禁止公布大学成绩单, 成绩, 文凭, 学生退款检查和注册变更.  的 hold is removed when the requesting department confirms receipt of the University property with the 学生会计处.


学生账户办公室要求学生填写一份 退款请求 收到退款支票. 然而, if the credit on the account is due to a Federal Direct Loan or other Federal Title IV financial aid, the 学生会计处 will issue a check to the student without the written request. If the credit balance on the account is due to a Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), the refund check will be issued to the parent borrower and mailed to the home address on file for the PLUS borrower. 学生,由于联邦基金的信用余额,谁做 希望在没有书面要求的情况下退款, 可以向学生会计处提供书面文件吗.

如果学生预期信用余额, 无论资金来源如何,建议填写退款申请表. 退款支票可在100%后 院校学费退还时间表 每学期一次,上课期间每周处理一次. 表格必须在周二结束前提交,以便在周五收到支票.


退款支票是 在学校不上课时发出.


的 University will bill a third party for tuition, 食宿, and miscellaneous 费用 provided:

  1. A voucher and/or written authorization is received by the 学生会计处 office 之前 到每个学期的开始.
  2. 学费将于开学第一天或之前支付.

的 University will 不 bill any employer or third party who pays upon completion of the course(s). 学期第一天未付的任何余额, 会否收取每月1元的财务费用.5%(年增长率18%). If the third party will 不 pay the finance charge, the student will be responsible for payment.  Students will continue to receive a billing statement directly from 亚洲博彩平台排名 until the account balance is paid in full. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the third-party payer to determine why a delay in payment has occurred.